蘇州捷美電子有限公(gōng)司(sī)創辦于1997年,是專業從事研發、生産(chǎn)和銷售生(shēng)物、醫學工程領域儀器(qì)設備及相關消費品的(de)高新(xīn)技術企業。公司研發中心及生産基地位于蘇(sū)州國家高新技術産業開(kāi)發區,擁有(yǒu)四萬多平米的(de)廠房(fáng)和齊全的研發、測試(shì)及生産配套設備、設施。 三级网站 日韩三级 日本三级片在线观看 三级黄色视频 欧美三级片在线观看 黄色三级视频 日韩三级视频 三级片在线看
Founded in 1997, Suzhou Jimei Electronic Co., LTD. pursues to serve the Life Science and Biopharmaceutical industries by specializing in developing and producing instruments, tools, and consumable products. Jimei maintains close relationships with major life science institutes and pharmaceutical companies so that our team understands the demands in the forefront of life science and biotechnology. With this understanding of the industry and our strong team of people, Jimei has developed more than 400 products that are innovative, user friendly, reliable, and appealing.